United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
RAMBABUSHAH about 194 results (0.0062 in miliseconds)  
Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit to Nepal 2011 Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UN Information Centre, attending the long Services Awards Ceremony in UN House. (Helen Clark and Crown Prince Haakon Magnus visit UN House.) #RamBabuShah #Awardsceremony #UNHouse #2011 #UNIC #Photo ...
UNIC, (2011)
Ram Babu Shah addresses in an Event World AIDS Day Mr. Ram Babu Shah, addressing on World AIDS Day in UN House, Pulchowk, Nepal. World AIDS Day is celebrated on every 1st December. #RamBabuShah #UNIC #WorldAIDSDay #Photo #2008 ...
UNIC, (2008)
Discussions before UN Holocaust Press Conference Mr. Ram Babu Shah interacting with UN Officials before UN Holocaust Press Conference in UN Conference Hall. #RamBabuShah #UNHolocaust #2017 #Photo...
UNIC, (2017)
UNCTAD Report Launch 2017 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UNIC, attending the event report launch of United Nations Conference on Trade And Development(UNCTAD) in Hotel Himalayan. Mr. Ram Prasad Dhital, Executive Director of Alternative Energy Promotion Center, #R...
UNIC, (2017)
UNCTAD Report Launch 2017 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UNIC, delivering speech in the event report launch of United Nations Conference on Trade And Development(UNCTAD) in Hotel Himalayan. #RamBabuShah #Speech #UNCTAD #HotelHimalayan #November #2017 #UNIC #Photo #...
UNIC, (2017)
UNCTAD Report Launch 2017 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UNIC, giving speech in the event of report launch of United Nations Conference on Trade And Development(UNCTAD) in Hotel Himalayan. #RamBabuShah #UNCTAD #HotelHimalayan #November #2017 #UNIC #Photo #ReportLau...
UNIC, (2017)
Launching Second Version of UN Digital Library in Nepal 2018 (2nd from left) Mr. Yadav Chandra Niraula, Under-Secretary, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology launching UN Digital Library in Nepal (UNDRN) in Tribhuvan University Central Library on Tuesday, 25th September 2018. Mr. Ram Babu Shah, N...
UNIC, (2018)
Launching Second Version of UN Digital Library in Nepal 2018 Mr. L.P. Bhanu Sharma, Principal of Apex College, addresses during the official release of Second Version of UN Digital Library in Tribhuvan University Central Library on 25th of September 2018. Mr. Indra Prasad Adhikari (on the right), Chief Librar...
UNIC, (2018)
Launching Second Version of UN Digital Library in Nepal 2018 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Information Officer of UNIC, addressing the official launch of Second Version of UN Digital Library in Tribhuvan University Central Library on 25th of September 2018. #RamBabuShah #Speech #TUCL #UNIC #2018 #September #U...
UNIC, (2018)
Launching Second Version of UN Digital Library in Nepal 2018 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Information Officer of UNIC, attending event Second Version of UN Digital Library release in Tribhuvan University Central Library on 25th of September 2018. Mr. Indra Prasad Adhikari (second from right), Chief Librarian, ...
UNIC, (2018)
End of Violence Against Women Director of Human Rights Film Focus Nepal Bev Hoffman, National Information Officer Ram Babu Shah including Wall of Hope Campaign Staffs taking a photo during End of Violence Against Women campaign on 27th November 2017 #UN #BevHoffman #RamBabuSha...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women National Information Officer Ram Babu Shah addressing End of Violence Against Women Campaign in Kanyamandir School on 27th November 2017 #UN #RamBabuShah #Campaign #WallOfHope #KanyaMandirSchool #2017 #EndofViolenceAgainstWomen #Event #Message #UNIC...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women National Information Officer Ram Babu Shah addressing the End of Violence Against Women Campaign in Geetamata Madhyamik Bidhyalaya on 27th November 2017 #UN #Students #RamBabuShah #Campaign #WallOfHope #GeetaMataMadhyamikBidhyalaya #2017 #EndofVi...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women National Information Officer Ram Babu Shah coloring a hands of UNFPA staffs during the End of Violence Against Women Campaign in UNFPA on 27th November 2017 #RamBabuShah #Campaign #2017 #EndofViolenceAgainstWomen #Event #Message #UNFPA #November 3...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women National Information Officer Ram Babu Shah Showing all painted hands addressing the End of Violence Against Women Campaign in UNFPA on 27 November 2017 #UNFPAStaffs #NationalInformationOfficer #RamBabuShah #BevHoffman #Campaign #UNFPA #2017 #Endof...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women National Information Officer Ram Babu Shah, UNFPA Staffs Showing their painted hands during the End of Violence Against Women Campaign in UNFPA on 27th November 2017 #RamBabuShah #Campaign #2017 #EndofViolenceAgainstWomen #Event #Message #UNFPA #N...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women Students of Geetamata Madhyamik Bidhyalaya Showing their Colored Hands after painting the Hope of Wall during the End of Violence Against Women Campaign Program on 27th November 2017 #UN #Students #RamBabuShah #Campaign #WallOfHope #GeetaMataMadhy...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women Students of Pashupati Mitra Madhyamik School clicking a photo after Completing Painting the Wall of Hope during the End of Violence Against Women Campaign on 27th November 2017 #UN #RamBabuShah #Students #Campaign #WallOfHope #KanyaMandirSchool #2...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women Students of Pashupati Mitra Madhyamik School holding a banner of Stop Violence Against Women and Girls during the End of Violence Against Women Campaign Program on 27th November 2017 #UN #Students #RamBabuShah #BevHoffman #Campaign #WallOfHope #Pa...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women Students Showing their colored hands after painting the Hope of Wall in Nagarjuna Kid's World School, Lalitpur during the End of Violence Against Women Campaign Program on 27th November 2017 #UN #Students #Teachers #BevHoffman #RamBabuShah #Campai...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women UN Information Officer Ram Babu Shah addressing the End Violence Against Women Campaign in Kid's World School on 27th November 2017 #UN #RamBabuShah #Campaign #WallOfHope #NagarjunaSchool #2017 #EndofViolenceAgainstWomen #Event #Message #UNIC...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women UN Information Officer Ram Babu Shah along with the Staff of Wall of Hope campaign addressing the End Violence Against Women by wearing its t-Shirt in Nagarjuna Kid's World School on 27th November 2017 #UN #RamBabuShah #Campaign #WallOfHope #Nagar...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women UN Information Officer, Ram Babu Shah giving a speech to the students in Nagarjuna Kid's World School during End of Violence Against Women Campaign on 27th November 2017 #UN #RamBabuShah #Campaign #WallOfHope #NagarjunaSchool #DirectorofHumanRight...
UNIC, (2017)
End of Violence Against Women UNFPA Staffs Coloring a Wall with Painted Hands during the End of Violence Against Women Campaign in UNFPA on 27th November 2017 #RamBabuShah #Campaign #2017 #EndofViolenceAgainstWomen #Event #Message #UNFPA #November #UNIC...
UNIC, (2017)
School Painting Event, My SDGs Vision (Budhanilkantha) Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of United Nations Information Centre, attending the event of the School Painting Event, My SDGs Vision (Budhanilkantha) Sponsored by UN System in Nepal. UN Staff Teachers Of The Budhanilkantha #RamBabuShah #UNStaf...
UNIC, (2016)
School Painting Event, My SDGs Vision (Budhanilkantha) Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of United Nations Information Centre, attending the event of the School Painting Event, My SDGs Vision (Budhanilkantha) Sponsored by UN System in Nepal. UN Staff Teachers Of The Budhanilkantha #RamBabuShah #UNStaf...
UNIC, (2016)
School Painting Event, My SDGs Vision (Budhanilkantha) Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of United Nations Information Centre, attending the event of the School Painting Event, My SDGs Vision (Budhanilkantha) Sponsored by UN System in Nepal. UN Staff Teachers Of The Budhanilkantha #RamBabuShah #UNStaf...
UNIC, (2016)
School Painting Event, My SDGs Vision (Budhanilkantha) Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of United Nations Information Centre, giving speech in the event of the School Painting Event, My SDGs Vision (Budhanilkantha) Sponsored by UN System in Nepal. UN Staff Teachers Of The Budhanilkantha #RamBabuShah ...
UNIC, (2016)
School Painting Event, My SDGs Vision (Budhanilkantha) Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of United Nations Information Centre, giving speech in the event of the School Painting Event, My SDGs Vision (Budhanilkantha) Sponsored by UN System in Nepal. UN Staff Teachers Of The Budhanilkantha #RamBabuShah ...
UNIC, (2016)
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Report Launch 2016 Ram Babu Shah, National Officer Of UN Information Centre, attending the event of United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Report Launch 2016 in Hotel Himalaya. #RamBabuShah #UNIC #2016 #Photo #ReportLaunch #UNCATD...
UNIC, (2016)
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Report Launch 2016 RAM Babu Shah, National Officer of UN Information Centre, giving presentation in the event of United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Report Launch 2016 in Hotel Himalaya. Dr. Basudeb Guha Khasnobis, Economic Specialist UNDP #BasudebGu...
UNIC, (2016)
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Report Launch 2016 Ram Babu Shah, National Officer Of UNIC, standing in the event of United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Report Launch 2016 in Hotel Himalaya. #RamBabuShah #UNIC #2016 #Photo #ReportLaunch #UNCATD...
UNIC, (2016)
Vesak Day Participants Praying during Vesak Program in UN House on 5th May 2017 #RamBabuShah #Participants #Praying #Program #UNHouse #VesakDay #2017 #May #UNIC...
UNIC, (2017)
A Talk Program on Truth Perspective in Human Rights and Discrimination 2010 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, Officer Of United Nations Information Centre, addressing the event of A Talk Program on Truth Perspective in Human Rights and Discrimination 2010 in UN House. Mr. Sanjay Bir Thapa, Nepal Association of Nepal #RamBabuShah #Sanja...
UNIC, (2010)
A Talk Program on Truth Perspective in Human Rights and Discrimination 2010 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, Officer Of United Nations Information Centre, addressing the event of A Talk Program on Truth Perspective in Human Rights and Discrimination 2010 in UN House. Mr. Sanjay Bir Thapa, Nepal Association of Nepal #RamBabuShah #Sanja...
UNIC, (2010)
A Talk Program on Truth Perspective in Human Rights and Discrimination 2010 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, Officer Of United Nations Information Centre, addressing the event of A Talk Program on Truth Perspective in Human Rights and Discrimination 2010 in UN House. Mr. Sanjay Bir Thapa, Nepal Association of Nepal #RamBabuShah #Sanja...
UNIC, (2010)
A Talk Program on Truth Perspective in Human Rights and Discrimination 2010 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, Officer Of United Nations Information Centre, addressing the event of A Talk Program on Truth Perspective in Human Rights and Discrimination 2010 in UN House. Mr. Sanjay Bir Thapa, Nepal Association of Nepal #RamBabuShah #Sanja...
UNIC, (2010)
Office on Drugs and Crime 2016 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, Officer Of United Nations Information Centre, addressing the event of the report launching of Office on Drugs and Crime 2016 in the UN house. #RamBabuShah #UNIC #2016 #ReportLaunch #Journalist #UNStaff...
UNIC, (2016)
Office on Drugs and Crime 2016 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, Officer Of United Nations Information Centre, addressing the event of the report launching of Office on Drugs and Crime 2016 in the UN house. #RamBabuShah #UNIC #2016 #ReportLaunch #Journalist #UNStaff...
UNIC, (2016)
Office on Drugs and Crime 2016 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, Officer Of United Nations Information Centre, addressing the event of the report launching of Office on Drugs and Crime 2016 in the UN house. #RamBabuShah #UNIC #2016 #ReportLaunch #Journalist #UNStaff...
UNIC, (2016)
Commemoration in memory of the victims in the Holocaust-2019,Kathmandu Durbar Square. #HolocaustRememberanceDay #Photo #RamBabuShah #NepalInforamationOfficerofUNIC #IsrealEmbassyCommunicationOfficer #KathmanduDurbarSquare...
UNIC, (2019)
UN Digital Library Discussion with Universities and Colleges on 14 September 2018 Mr. Ram Babu Shah addressing in a preview of UN Digital Library with directors of universities and colleges at UN House. This preview was held in UN Conference Hall inside UN House on the date of 14th September, 2018. #Preview #RamBabuShah #UNConfer...
UNIC, (2018)
UN Day 2014 National Information Officer, Ram Babu Shah and UNESCO Representative, Christian Manhart Posing for the Photo During UN Day Celebration at Jawalakhel, Lalitpur #RamBabuShah #ChristianManhart #UNDay #Jawalakhel #UNIC #Photo #2014 ...
UNIC, (2014)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Head of the United Nations Mission in Nepal Kareen Landgren addressing UN day in UN house on 22 October 2010 #ResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #RC #NationalInformationOfficer #RamBabuShah #HeadoftheUnitedNationsMission #KareenLandgren #PrimeMinist...
unic, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Honorable Prime Minister Madav Kumar Nepal addressing UN day in UN house on 22 October 2010 #ResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #RC #NationalInformationOfficer #RamBabuShah #HeadoftheUnitedNationsMissioninNepal #KarinLandgren #PrimeMinister #MadavKu...
UNIC, (2010)
Celebrating UN Day 2010 Resident Coordinator Robert Piper addressing UN day in UN house on 22 October 2010 #ResidentCoordinator #RobertPiper #RC #NationalInformationOfficer #RamBabuShah #HeadoftheUnitedNationsMissioninNepal #KareenLandgren #PrimeMinister #MadavKumarNepal...
UNIC, (2010)
Educational Outreach Program on February 2009 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Information Officer, interacts with a Student in an Educational Outreach Program. #Students #RamBabuShah #EducationalOutreach #Photo #2009...
UNIC, (2009)
Educational Outreach Program on February 2009 Ram Babu Shah, National Information Officer, in an Educational Outreach Program sharing his knowledge. The Outreach program was conducted on the date of 27th February, 2009. #RamBabuShah #EducationalOutreach #2009 #Photo...
UNIC, (2009)
Ram Babu Shah Addressing in an Event UN Holocaust 2012 Ram Babu Shah, National Information Officer, addressing in an Event 'UN Holocaust' inside UN House premises on the date of 27th January, 2012. #RamBabuShah #Holocaust #2012 #Photo...
UNIC, (2012)
UN Information Centre Outreach Program Ram Babu Shah, National Information Officer interacting in an Outreach Program with students on 29th February, 2009. #RamBabuShah #OutreachProgram #Photo #2009 ...
UNIC, (2009)
Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2011 Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of United Nation Information Centre, doing Master of Ceremony in report launch event of Economic and social Survey of Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) 2011 organized by United Nations Information Centre and Policy Research...
UNIC, (2011)
International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2009 Mr. Oliver Lermet, Programme Coordinator of United Nations Office on Drugs (UNODC), attending event of International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2009. Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UNIC #OliverLermet #RamBabuShah #Pho...
UNIC, (2009)
International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2009 Mr. Oliver Lermet, Programme Coordinator of United Nations Office on Drugs (UNODC), attending event of International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2009. Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UNIC Mr. Shankar Koirala, Joint Secret...
UNIC, (2009)
International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2009 Mr. Oliver Lermet, Programme Coordinator of United Nations Office on Drugs (UNODC), attending event of International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2009. Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UNIC Mr. Shankar Koirala, Joint Secret...
UNIC, (2009)
International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2009 Mr. Oliver Lermet, Programme Coordinator of United Nations Office on Drugs (UNODC), attending event of International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2009. Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UNIC Mr. Shankar Koirala, Joint Secret...
UNIC, (2009)
International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2009 Mr. Oliver Lermet, Programme Coordinator of United Nations Office on Drugs (UNODC), attending event of International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2009. Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UNIC Mr. Shankar Koirala, Joint Secret...
UNIC, (2009)
International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2009 Mr. Oliver Lermet, Programme Coordinator of United Nations Office on Drugs (UNODC), attending event of International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2009. Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UNIC Mr. Shankar Koirala, Joint Secret...
UNIC, (2009)
International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2009 Mr. Oliver Lermet, Programme Coordinator of United Nations Office on Drugs (UNODC), introducing him self in event of International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2009. Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UNIC Mr. Shankar Koirala...
UNIC, (2009)
International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2009 Mr. Shankar Koirala, Joint Secretary Ministry of Home Affairs, launching report in event of International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2009. Mr. Oliver Lermet, Programme Coordinator of United Nations Office on Drugs (UNODC) Mr. ...
UNIC, (2009)
Japanese Students Briefed by Ram Babu Shah Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Information Officer briefing Japanese Students and sharing Information. #RamBabuShah #UNStaff #Photo #Sharing #UNIC #2008...
UNIC, (2008)
Celebration of UN 60th Anniversary- 2015 Resident Coordinator Jamie MCGoldRick interacting with National Information Officer, Ram Babu Shah in UN house during UN 60th Anniversary on 3th november 2015 #ResidentCoordinator #JamieMCGoldRick #NationalInformationOfficer #RamBabuShah #UN #UNHo...
unic, (2015)
Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 Dr. Shankar Sharma, Hon'ble the Nepalese Ambassador to the United states, addressing event of Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 In UN House Organized by United Nations Information Centre. Mr. Ram Babu Shah, Nationa...
UNIC, (2009)
Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 Dr. Shankar Sharma, Hon'ble the Nepalese Ambassador to the United states, addressing event of Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 In UN House Organized by United Nations Information Centre. Mr. Ram Babu Shah, Nationa...
UNIC, (2009)
Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 Dr. Shankar Sharma, Hon'ble the Nepalese Ambassador to the United states, addressing event of Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 In UN House Organized by United Nations Information Centre. Mr. Ram Babu Shah, Nationa...
UNIC, (2009)
Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 Dr. Shankar Sharma, Hon'ble the Nepalese Ambassador to the United states, delivering presentation in the event of Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 In UN House Organized by United Nations Information Centre. Mr. Ra...
UNIC, (2009)
Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 Dr. Shankar Sharma, Hon'ble the Nepalese Ambassador to the United states, delivering speech in the event of Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 In UN House Organized by United Nations Information Centre. Mr. Ram Babu...
UNIC, (2009)
Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 Dr. Shankar Sharma, Hon'ble the Nepalese Ambassador to the United states, Launching Report in event of Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 In UN House Organized by United Nations Information Centre. Mr. Ram Babu Shah...
UNIC, (2009)
Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 Journalist and UN Staff are attending the event of Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 In UN House Organized by United Nations Information Centre. Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of United Nations Information Cen...
UNIC, (2009)
Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of United Nations Information Centre (UNIC), attanding event of Launching of UNCTAD Report The Least and Development Governance 2009 In UN House Organized by United Nations Information Centre. #RamBabuShah #Repo...
UNIC, (2009)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National officer of UNIC, giving speech in Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Doti District on 20th of September 2013. #RamBabuShah #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Doti...
UNIC, (2013)
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show 2013 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National officer of UNIC, giving speech in Sustainable Development Goals SDGs Rode Show in Kapilvastu District on 9th of September 2013. #RamBabuShah #RodeShow #SDGs #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Kapilvastu...
UNIC, (2013)
Global human Development Report 2009 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Representative Officer of United Nations Information Centre (UNIC), doing master of ceremony in event of Global human Development Report 2009. #RamBabuShah #SaratDash #ReportLaunch #UNIC #2009 #Photo ...
UNIC, (2009)
Educational Outreach Programme in Laboratory Secondary School 2018 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UNIC, addressing Educational Outreach Programme in Laboratory Secondary School on 19th of July 2018. #Students #RamBabuShah #EducationalOutreach #Photo #2018 #UNIC #School...
UNIC, (2018)
Educational Outreach Programme in Laboratory Secondary School 2018 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UNIC, addressing Educational Outreach Programme in Laboratory Secondary School on 19th of July 2018. #Students #RamBabuShah #EducationalOutreach #Photo #2018 #UNIC #School...
UNIC, (2018)
Educational Outreach Programme in Laboratory Secondary School 2018 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UNIC, addressing Educational Outreach Programme in Laboratory Secondary School on 19th of July 2018. #Students #RamBabuShah #EducationalOutreach #Photo #2018 #UNIC #School...
UNIC, (2018)
Educational Outreach Programme in Laboratory Secondary School 2018 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UNIC, interacts with a Student in an Educational Outreach Programme in Laboratory Secondary School on 19th of July 2018. #Students #RamBabuShah #EducationalOutreach #Photo #2018 #UNIC #School...
UNIC, (2018)
Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 Participants of workshop are attending the event of Training Workshop on Addressing Disaster Risks Specific to South and South-west Asia 2017 in Soaltee Crowne Palaza Kathmandu. Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UNIC, #RamBabuShah #Participa...
UNIC, (2017)
Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2009 Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator and UN Information Director for Nepal, addressing report launch event of Economic and social Survey of Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) organized by United Nations Information Centre and Policy Research and Analy...
UNIC, (2009)
Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2009 Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator and UN Information Director for Nepal, addressing report launch event of Economic and social Survey of Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) organized by United Nations Information Centre and Policy Research and Analy...
UNIC, (2009)
Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2009 Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator and UN Information Director for Nepal, discussing with Martin Hart Hansen, special assistant for resident coordinator in report launch event of Economic and social Survey of Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) organ...
UNIC, (2009)
Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2009 Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator for Nepal, addressing report launch event of Economic and social Survey of Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) organized by United Nations Information Centre and Policy Research and Analysis. Mr. Jyoti Prasad Lohan...
UNIC, (2009)
Peacekeeper Memorial Celebration- UN Day 2017 Hon'ble Mr. Giriraj Mani Pokharel, Minister of Health and Foreign Affairs addressing UN Peacekeeper Memorial Celebration on 20 September 2017. #GirirajManiPokhrel #RamBabuShah #Speech #UNHouse #UNDay #Peacekeeping #Memorial #Celebration #UN #Nepa...
UNIC, (2017)
Students visiting UN Information Centre Students Visit UN Information Centre, Pulchowk, Lalitpur. #Students #RamBabuShah #UNIC #Photo #2013...
UNIC, (2013)
International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2008 Mr. Ganesh Rai, Under secretary home ministry, launching report in event of International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2008. Mr. Oliver Lermet, Programme Coordinator of UNODC Mr. SSP Hemant Malla, NDCLEU Mr. DIG Kuber Singh Rana...
UNIC, (2008)
International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2008 Mr. Oliver Lermet, Programme Coordinator of United Nations Office on Drugs (UNODC), attending event of International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2008. Mr. SSP Hemant Malla, NDCLEU Mr. Ganesh Rai, Under Secretary home Ministy MR...
UNIC, (2008)
International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2008 Mr. Oliver Lermet, Programme Coordinator of United Nations Office on Drugs (UNODC), giving speech in event of International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2008. Mr. SSP Hemant Malla, NDCLEU Mr. Ganesh Rai, Under Secretary home Mini...
UNIC, (2008)
International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2008 Mr. Oliver Lermet, Programme Coordinator of United Nations Office on Drugs (UNODC), giving speech in event of International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2008. Mr. SSP Hemant Malla, NDCLEU Mr. Ganesh Rai, Under Secretary home Mini...
UNIC, (2008)
International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2008 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Representative Officer of UNIC, giving speech in United Nations Office on Drugs (UNODC), attending event of International Narcotics Control Board of Annual Report Launch 2008. Mr. Oliver Lermet, Programme Coordinator Mr...
UNIC, (2008)
Peacekeeper Memorial Celebration- UN Day 2017 Resident Coordinator Valeria Julliand addressing UN Day in UN House on 20 September 2017. #Residentcoordinator #RC #ValeriaJulliand #RamBabuShah #Speech #UNHouse #UNDay #UNIC...
UNIC, (2008)
South Asia Launch of the Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2009 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Representative Officer of United Nations Information Centre (UNIC), doing master of ceremony in event of South Asia Launch of the Global Report on Trafficking in Persons. Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident and Humanitarian Coo...
UNIC, (2009)
Career Development Training 2013 UN Staffs are attending Career Development Training in UN House on 10th July 2013. Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UNIC, #RambabuShah #UNStaff #CareerDevelopment #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Training...
UNIC, (2013)
Career Development Training 2013 UN Staffs are attending Career Development Training in UN House on 10th July 2013. Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UNIC, Mr. Rafeeque Siddiqui, UNDP, #RambabuShah #RafeequeSiddiqui #UNStaff #CareerDevelopment #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Training...
UNIC, (2013)
Career Development Training 2013 UN Staffs are attending Career Development Training in UN House on 10th July 2013. Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UNIC, Mr. Rafeeque Siddiqui, UNDP, #RambabuShah #RafeequeSiddiqui #UNStaff #CareerDevelopment #UNIC #2013 #Photo #Training...
UNIC, (2013)
International Day of Vaisakh National Information Officer(UNIC) Ram Babu Shah and UN personnel Praying during International day of Viasakh Purnima event in UN House, hariharbhawan, lalitpur #RamBabuShah #UN #UNHouse #Budhajayanti #UNIC #Photo #2013...
UNIC, (2013)
UN DAY 2008 Honorable Health Minister Upendra Yadav delivering a Speech in UN Day at UN house on the date of 24 October 2008. #UN #HealthMinister #UpendraYadav #RamBabuShah #Speech #UNDay #UNHouse #Event #2008 #October ...
UNIC, (2008)
Disaster Experiment at Bhaisipati UNDP Pull Down Observation Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator, attending experimenting the Earthquake Disaster at Bhaisepati, Lalitpur on 15th of October 2009. Mr. Ram Babu Shah, national Officer Of UNIC, Earthquake Risk Reductions and Recovery Preparedness ERRP Staff...
UNIC, (2009)
Disaster Experiment at Bhaisipati UNDP Pull Down Observation Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator, attending experimenting the Earthquake Disaster at Bhaisepati, Lalitpur on 15th of October 2009. Mr. Ram Babu Shah, national Officer Of UNIC, Earthquake Risk Reductions and Recovery Preparedness, ERRP Staf...
UNIC, (2009)
Disaster Experiment at Bhaisipati UNDP Pull Down Observation Mr. Robert Piper, UN Resident Coordinator, attending experimenting the Earthquake Disaster at Bhaisepati, Lalitpur on October 2009. Mr. Ram Babu Shah, national Officer Of UNIC, Earthquake Risk Reductions and Recovery Preparedness, ERRP Staffs #...
UNIC, (2009)
Educational Outreach Programme 2008 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UNIC, clicking pictures with school teachers and students in Educational Outreach Programme in Sagarmatha Secondary Boarding School Biratnagar. #RamBabuShah #EducatinalOutreach #School #Photo #2008 #UNIC #Stu...
UNIC, (2008)
Educational Outreach Programme 2008 Mr. Ram Babu Shah, National Officer of UNIC, giving speech in Educational Outreach Programme in Sagarmatha Secondary Boarding School Biratnagar. #RamBabuShah #EducatinalOutreach #School #Photo #2008 #UNIC...
UNIC, (2008)