[Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFwAtTUb6Sk [Abstract]-This video is prepared as part of the rescue mission “The Conservation and Restoration of Mural Paintings in the Shantipur Temple, Swayambhu Monument Zone of the Kathmandu Valley World Heritage property” for safeguarding the mural paintings of Shantipur Temple which was severely damaged by 2015 earthquakes. It was organized by the Department of Archaeology and UNESCO in collaboration with the Federation of Swayambhu Management and Conservation within the framework of the UNESCO/ Fok Ying Tung Foundation project “Emergency assistance to World Heritage and other Sites affected by the 2015 earthquakes in Nepal.” [Video Quality]- 360p [Timeline] 0:07- 0:27- Brief introduction about Nepal Earthquake 2015 with photos 0:30-0:53- Introduction about Swayambhu 0:54- Shantipur temple made out of bricks and mud being one of the religious sites for the Newars 1:07- Mural paintings depicting the evolution and civilization of Kathmandu Valley 1:26- Nepal Earthquake severely damaged the temple and its mural paintings 1:37- Preservation of the remaining paintings by the Department of Archaeology along with UNESCO 2:00- Assessment and preparation of detailed documentation by the team 2:15- Installation of scaffolding 2:29- Requirement of consolidation with synthetic resin for the paintings