United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
Community Empowerement through Community Learning Centres in Mid and Far Western Regions of Nepal
The Far and Mid Western Region are not only the least developed areas, but also the most neglected areas in the country’s development efforts. Hundreds of people have been starving to death every year particularly in hill and mountain areas of the region. Even the recent years have witnessed such phenomena. While the average life expectancy within and near the capital is about 70 years and the national average is around 60 years, people in these areas live less than 40 years on average. These areas are socially and culturally characterized by severe gender and other socio-cultural disparities. Women’s literacy rate (over 15 years old) remains a mere 12% or so in the areas. The adult literacy rate within and near the capital is estimated to be 70-80%, whereas the national average is 53.7%. These figures indicate the magnitude of the issue of education for girls and women. The project adopted an integrated non-formal education approach to deliver programmes for the realization of “Life-long Education for All”; the collective and personal development of people at grassroots level. Integrating a life skills approach within non-formal education and literacy programs refers to a process, not only transmitting knowledge but also attitudinal. #UNESCO #CommunityEmpowerment #CommunityLearning
Publisher: UNESCO Type / Script:
Annual Report  in  English
Thematic Group:
UNESCO, (2006)
14.05.03 - Social Development
PDF | File Size: 999 KB   Download
Community Empowerement through Community Learning Centres in Mid and Far Western Regions of Nepal
The Far and Mid Western Region are not only the least developed areas, but also the most neglected areas in the country’s development efforts. Hundreds of people have been starving to death every year particularly in hill and mountain areas of the region. Even the recent years have witnessed such phenomena. While the average life expectancy within and near the capital is about 70 years and the national average is around 60 years, people in these areas live less than 40 years on average. These areas are socially and culturally characterized by severe gender and other socio-cultural disparities. Women’s literacy rate (over 15 years old) remains a mere 12% or so in the areas. The adult literacy rate within and near the capital is estimated to be 70-80%, whereas the national average is 53.7%. These figures indicate the magnitude of the issue of education for girls and women The project adopted an integrated non-formal education approach to deliver programmes for the realization of “Life-long Education for All”; the collective and personal development of people at grassroots level. Integrating a life skills approach within non-formal education and literacy programs refers to a process, not only transmitting knowledge but also attitudinal.
Publisher: UNESCO Type / Script:
Annual Report  in  English
Thematic Group:
UNESCO, (2006)
14.05.03 - Social Development
PDF | File Size: 999 KB   Download
Feeder: ANJANA SHRESTHA, Editor: , Auditor: