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This compilation of 108 success stories contains accounts of micro-entrepreneurs supported and promoted by the Micro-Enterprise Development Programme (MEDEP). A majority of micro-entrepreneurs established by MEDEP support are running their enterprises successfully. Some of them have graduated and are now capable of managing their businesses independently. The stories documented in this publication have highlighted the women entrepreneurs, is evidence of MEDEP’s approach of supporting women, especially those who have been marginalized, by providing them training to develop saleable skills. Many of the women share the same stories of being born into poor families. They are barely educated live under poverty and struggle to make ends meet, (Women entrepreneurs get married at a young age into poor families). Some women entrepreneurs are widows, some are single mothers, while some are divorcees. But they also have another thing in common, and that is a burning desire to improve their lives through entrepreneurship and economic empowerment. Each story is one that portrays their struggle, determination, hard work, and ultimately their success.
These entrepreneurs have fought long and hard battles to gain respect and a sense of identity among their family members and communities. Their success has translated into economic prosperity for the whole family. Husbands of women entrepreneurs have returned from abroad to help in their enterprises. Children are getting a good education. The family has access to nutritious food. They have built a new house and have bought land, gold and in some cases vehicles. The entrepreneurs have savings in banks and cooperatives and are providing employment to others like them. Their success has helped them win recognition and awards from the government and private sectors. Some are also elected representatives of wards, which is a testament to their social investment through micro-enterprise.
#Poverty #Growth
MoICS, UNDP ,   (2018 )
Type / Script:
Progress Report in English
Thematic Group:
 UNDP : Social and Institutional Developoment
02.03.00  -  Special Economic Areas
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Feeder: SANJIYA SHRESTHA , Editor: , Auditor:

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