United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
Agreement on the Management of Arms and Armies
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In Keeping with letters to the United Nation (UN) Secretary -General of 9 August and the comprehensive peace accord of 21 November 2006.Guaranteeing the fundamental rights of the Nepali people to take part in the constituent assembly election in a free and fair environment without fear.Declaring the beginning of a new chapter of peaceful democratic interaction by ending the armed conflict taking place in the country since 1996, based on the comprehensive peace Accord between the two parties in order to accomplish, through the constituent assembly,Certainly of sovereignty of the Nepali People, Progressive Political outlet.

#Democracy #PeaceProcess
UNMIN ,   (2006 )
Type / Script:
Bulletin or Poster in English
Thematic Group:
 UNMIN : Peace and Conflict through Political Mission
01.04.00  -  Disarmament And Military Questions
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Feeder: ANJANA SHRESTHA , Editor: MALIKA THAPA , Auditor:

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