United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
Robert Piper along with the President of Nepal Ram Baran Yadav
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Hon'ble. Gagan Thapa, Constituent Assembly Member on the left most, on his right Yubraj Khatiwada, Governor of NRB, on the Centre Hon'ble Ram Baran Yadav, on the right side of the picture Hon'ble. Robert Piper, Resident Coordinator of Nepal at the event Stand Up and Take Action Against Poverty held in President House, Maharajgung, Nepal on 16th October 2008.
#RC #PresidentOfNepal #RobertPiper #GaganThapa #YubrajKhatiwada #RamBaranYadav #President #Photo #2008
UNIC ,   (2008 )
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Photo-Media in English
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15.05.00  -  Documentation, Library And Information Sciences And Reference Works
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Feeder: PSANJEL , Editor: , Auditor:

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