[Source URL]- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mc-cB0CgoIs
[Abstract] - Facilities and services provided to the elderly people in health institutions will ease your treatment procedure.
[Video Quality] - 480p
[Video Location] - Nepal
[Content Rating] - [G]
[Duration] - 2:04
0:10 - For the welfare of elderly citizen there is a different way of nurturing and caring
0:28 - The health posts should at least provide free medicines to the needy aones
0:40 - Health assessments should be timely done and services should e reached
1:05 - Availability of facilitated hospitals in each district would help all the citizens
1:25 - We expect the nations to establish the senior citizen committee
1:55 - The municipalities and rural municipalities when allows the procedure of treatment
#Health #Seniorcitizens #services #WHO #Naziya #Youtube #2018
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