United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
Swapping Crops [YouTube]

For millennia the people of southern Nepal have grown rice - in a country where the grain is a symbol of worship, other crops are considered unworthy. But monsoon rains, which rice cultivation so desperately depends on, have become increasingly erratic, leading farmers to think, and in some cases implement, the unthinkable - bananas!
(Case Study)

URL: https://youtu.be/ta4ywp5Nkqw
Duration: 03:23 min
Location: Jugedi, Nepal (Southern Nepal)
Content Rating: 'U'
Video Rating: 480p
Audio Rating: Standard

00:22 - Traditional crops like Rice, wheat, and maize have been hard hit by irregular rainfall patterns due to climate change.
00:45 - cultivation of traditional crops have been difficult and hectic, would not last long enough to feed and to sell, so Pushkar, a local opted for cultivating different crop - bananas!
01:15 - Due to climate change, traditional crops cultivation would not be able to hold the economy of the family through out the year
02:25 - Dina nath Bhandari, Aid agency practical action who runs crop substitution programs cautions climate change will remain a major and serious challenge for the people of Nepal
02:50 - "If they fail to adapt to the climate change scenario and withstand the impact of the climate change, they will lose their crop."

UN ENVIRONMENT ,   (2009 )
Type / Script:
Video-Media in Nepali - नेपाली
Thematic Group:
 UNDP : Social and Institutional Developoment
04.02.01  -  Crop Management
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