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Information Centre | Nepal
Nepal: Administrative Unit Province 1 Map
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The map is based on the constitution of Nepal published by Government of Nepal,Ministry Law,Justice and Parliamentary Affairs. Province no. 1 is located in Easternmost part of Nepal. It is surrounded by Tibet of China from North, Sikkim and north part of West Bengal of India from East, Bihar of India from South and Province No. 3 of Nepal from West. Province No. 2 is located in West-south.
Previously,Province no. 1 was a development region of a Nepal. It was named as Eastern Development Region and had 16 Districts and 3 Zones and also Districts were subdivided into Municipalities and Villages.
But now,Province no. 1 is divided into 14 districts and districts are subdivided into Municipalities. There is only one Metropolitan city i.e Biratnagar and two sub-metropolitan city i.e Itahari and Dharan. There are 46 Municipal City in and 88 Rural municipality in Province No. 1. As per the CDC (Constituency Delimitation Commission) report, Province No-1 shall have 28 parliamentary seats and 56 provincial seats under the FPtP (First-Past-the-Post).
#AdministrativeUnit #Province1 #NepalProvince
UNRCO ,   (2017 )
Type / Script:
Official Document in English
Thematic Group:
 UNRCHCO (UNRCO) : UN Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator Office (UN Resident Coordinator Office)
01.07.00  -  General And National Law
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