United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
OCHA Nepal Daily Sit Rep Kathmandu, 21 April 2006
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The 16th day of the general strike called by the Seven Party Alliance was also observed throughout the country with most markets closed and no vehicle movement.In the eastern region it is reported that CPN/Maoist are generally encouraging people to move to urban centres.In the eastern region it is reported that CPN/Maoist are generally encouraging people to move to urban centres. Demonstrators gathered in and outside the curfew area since early this morning and hugely crowded demonstrations built up as the day evolved. Certain sources estimated that up to 500.000 people may have come out to protest today. However, at the time of the reporting, demonstrations were largely peaceful. In the mid and far west, a number of demonstrations took place throughout the region. The most significant was in Dhangadi with some 100,000 demonstrators. At the time of the reporting events had evolved peacefully.The increase in prices of vital food items is becoming a concern, in some cases increasing by tenfold. Rice, lentil and cooking oil (part and parcel of Nepali staple) are still available in the market at more or less the pre-April 6 prices but shopkeepers are starting to warn of steep price rise if shortages continue. In the Eastern districts, scarcity of gas, cooking oil and sugar has been observed due to the stock piling of people. UN offices remained closed again today. A number of curfew passes were granted to the UNDSS and OHCHR which allowed them to actively monitor the demonstrations as it had been the practice in the past weeks.

#Overview #MarketsClosed #VehicleMovements #Curfew #Demonstrations #Political
#CPNMaoist #UML #DeministrationsInTheCapital #Peaceful #DeministrationInTheCountry #SecurityForces #PublicInformationAdvocacy #UNHumanitarian #HumanitarianInTheCountry #UNResponse

UNOCHA ,   (2006 )
Type / Script:
Progress Report in English
Thematic Group:
 UNOCHA : Humanitarian Coordination and Affair
01.01.00  -  Political Conditions, Institutions, Movements
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