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Information Centre | Nepal
OHCHR ­Nepal Lena Sundh Representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Address at the Blue Diamond Society Talk Programme on “Nepal’s New Constitution and the rights of minorities
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The peace process in Nepal is significant not just because it brings to an end 11 years of violent conflict, which is an historic achievement in itself, but also because it carries with it the hopes of millions of Nepalese people for a better, fairer society in which they can finally claim their rights as equal members of this society. The foundation of lasting peace, the future protection of human rights, and the capacity for development and prosperity will be greatly strengthened if these hopes are realised. The voices of lesbians, gay men, bisexual and transgender people (metis),are often among the most marginalized in society due to deep ­seated norms, prejudice and discrimination which has often led to profound social exclusion. Many LGBT people in Nepal are also from groups that suffer other longstanding discrimination such as Madhesis, indigenous people, Dalits or persons living with disabilities – they suffer double and sometimes multiple discrimination.

#UNOHCHR #LenaSundh #BlueDiamondSociety #RightsofMinorities #SexualOrientation
#GenderIdentity #SexualMinorities #SouthAfrica
UNOHCHR ,   (2007 )
Type / Script:
Bulletin or Poster in English
Thematic Group:
 UNOHCHR : UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
14.02.01  -  Discrimination
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