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UNITED NATIONS OFFICE OF THE HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS IN NEPAL High Commissioner for Human Rights Urges Ceasefire and Respect for Freedom of Expression and Peaceful Assembly
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The High Commissioner added that her Office in Nepal had reported its growing concern
over measures by the Government that restrict rights to freedom of expression, freedom
of association and peaceful assembly and affect the media, non-governmental
organizations, political parties and civil society in general.
“Following the promulgation of a Media Ordinance which is in breach of international
human rights standards and remains under challenge in Nepal’s Supreme Court, radio
stations have been raided, equipment seized and persons arrested with no apparent legal
basis”, she said. “Local administration and the security forces have extended banned
areas and obstructed freedom of movement in order to inhibit peaceful demonstrations”.
UNOHCHR ,   (2005 )
Type / Script:
Press Release in English
Thematic Group:
 UNOHCHR : UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
14.02.02  -  Human Rights
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