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Information Centre | Nepal
Louise Arbour United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Statement to the Press
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In transitions to peace, it is common to hear warnings that looking into past abuses will jeopardise the fragile political process. This is false. Durable peace is built on the foundations of justice, and the guarantees for the protection of human rights that this brings. Ending impunity is an essential step to preventing future human rights violations, and building a society which recognizes that violence is not acceptable and that no­one is above the law.
The case of Maina Sunuwar has come to symbolize the struggle for victims of human rights
violations and their relatives to achieve justice. I am encouraged that both the Home Minister and the Chief of Army Staff have assured me of their commitments to see justice done in this case. I was informed that orders will be given to launch a thorough police investigation, with the full cooperation of the Nepalese Army, to clarify the circumstances of her death so that those responsible can be held accountable. I will be following developments very closely, through my office in Nepal. I expect to see immediate positive progress in this case.
There must be opportunities for the most marginalized people in Nepal to be part of the political process, if that process is to be successful. I urge all Nepalese people to act in a peaceful, democratic manner in the pursuit of their interests. Political and community leaders have a great responsibility in this regard.
#speech #LouiseArbour
UNOHCHR ,   (2007 )
Type / Script:
Bulletin or Poster in English
Thematic Group:
 UNOHCHR : UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
14.02.02  -  Human Rights
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