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Information Centre | Nepal
Statement by Richard Bennett Representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Nepal At the High-Level Discussion on Sexual Violence
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The theme for this year’s campaign is “Demanding Implementation, Challenging Obstacles: End Violence Against Women”. And that is what we hope to do through our panel today. We want to discuss how the current legislation could be better implemented; how we can challenge obstacles preventing women from stepping forward to talk about their
experiences and claim justice; and how we can better support victims of sexual violence.
The panel you will listen to today represents the multi-disciplinary approach that is needed to address sexual violence in an effective way. The victim must always be at the centre of this approach. The most fundamental principle is that the victim must be respected and be empowered to take her own decisions during the process of addressing the sexual violence she has suffered. The participants on this panel all have experience in this way of working and will be able to share their experiences with us.
UNOHCHR ,   (2007 )
Type / Script:
Annual Report in English
Thematic Group:
 UNOHCHR : UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
14.05.03  -  Social Development
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Feeder: SADIKSHYARAUT , Editor: , Auditor:

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