United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
Building Food And Nutrition Security Through Sustainable Agricultural Development
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Nepal and FAO have enjoyed close cooperation since the country joined FAO in 1951. During more than 65 years of partnership, FAO has implemented significant number of projects and programs, ranging from policy advice and capacity development to technical support and agricultural emergency assistance, including transboundary animal disease control. As Nepal continues to reform following years of conflict and the mega earthquake which struck in April 2015,current cooperation efforts are focused on innovative approaches to agricultural and rural development as well as on rehabilitation of agricultural activities disrupted by earthquake.FAO assistance in Nepal is shaped by the 2013-2017 FAO Country Programming Framework (CPF), which identifies four priority areas for technical cooperation.

Food and nutrition security and safety, with a view to improving agricultural productivity through enhanced national and local capacities Institutional and policy support, strengthening analytical and technical capacities from policy and programme formulation to implementation and monitoring Market orientation and competitiveness,
promoting market-oriented production and value addition through enhanced technical and
institutional capacities Natural resource conservation and use, including adaptation to climate change, with a focus on improved land registration and management
practices for sustainable production in a conflict free environment.

FAO ,   (2016 )
Type / Script:
Bulletin or Poster in English
Thematic Group:
 FAO : Food and Agriculture Organization
04.01.01  -  Agricultural Economics And Policy; Rural Sociology
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Feeder: DEEPA2 , Editor: PRABIGYA MANANDHAR , Auditor:

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