United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
2015 Earthquake Damage Mapping Hanuman Dhoka Darbar Square Monument Zone Kathmandu Valley World Heritage Property
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The earthquake of 25th April and 12th May 2015 has caused extensive damages in Nepal. The oldest buildings were especially affected, along with all the sites enlisted as World Heritage by UNESCO. The objectives of this study are thus, to make a record of all the large and small monuments in the site and the extent of damages for easy understanding and overall cost estimation for future work; and also to facilitate the work of restoration and reconstruction by making a record of remaining present structures and identifying general and unique problems.

UNESCO, thus started to begin by conducting an expertise campaign in the field, articulated as follows:
1. Identification of each building and independent remarkable entities by an inventory numbers on a map
2. Location of damage grade using colour coding. These colour coded maps allows a graphical understanding of the damage on all the studied UNESCO sites.
3. Compilation of a photographic inventory of all the accessible facades to allow future restoration or reconstruction of buildings in respect to their original essence.
4. Description and a rapid diagnostics of all the buildings in coherence with their names, structural system, construction materials, relative position, number of floors; and in the case of religious buildings typology and approximate height.
5. The nature of the observed damage, possible destruction, the risk of immediate danger and the existence of specific elements to safeguard (especially carved wooden
structures). These diagnostics are illustrated furthermore by the photographs of the described problems along with the photographs in original form ie, before earthquake.

UNESCO ,   (2015 )
Type / Script:
Annual Report in English
Thematic Group:
 UNESCO : Educational, Scientific and Cultural
15.00.00  -  Cultural Development
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