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Information Centre | Nepal
FAO Nepal Newsletter Observance Of 36th World Food Day-2016
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The 36th World Food Day (WFD) was observed with various ceremonial functions in Nepal focusing on the theme “Climate is changing. Food and agriculture must too.” Major programmes and activities were officiated by high level officials and staff from National Planning Commission,Ministry of Agricultural Development, and Ministry of Livestock Development, representatives from non-government organizations, cooperatives and outstanding farmers from various parts of the country.

Speaking at the occasion, Minister Chaudhary highlighted the need to bring about changes in agricultural sectors of Nepal to produce more by adopting modern and resilient production technologies in order to adapt to adverse effect of the climate change.Minister of State Ms Tamang said that Nepal should move forward to achieve self-reliance in food security.Honorable Member of National Planning Commission (NPC),
Dr Prabhu Budhathoki expressed that the real problems faced by the farmers should be center focus of agricultural development plans and programmes and assured the farmers that the NPC would keep its doors open to the farmers who would come up with new ideas to be incorporated in the planning process.

FAO ,   (2016 )
Type / Script:
Bulletin or Poster in English
Thematic Group:
 FAO : Food and Agriculture Organization
16.07.00  -  Meteorology
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