United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
Nepal- Reports of Security Incidents (1 - 30 April 2010)
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1. Cadres of UCPN-M and locals clashed when locals tried to open the ‘Bandh’ market.
2. The cadres of UCPN-M warned to take action against locals of Toli -1 VDC and Muli VDC if they do not provide donation.
3. An activist of CPN-UML died while under treatment after being injured in a clash between CPN-UML and NC cadres at Betahani disputing over the formation of user committee for Betahani-Holiya road.
4. One truck and a motorbike vandalized by the cadres of ‘Tharuhat Struggle Committee’ at Tulsipur for defying Bandh called by them. They also seized 29 motorbikes from Tulsipur, Ghorahi and Lamahi.
UNOCHA ,   (2010 )
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Bulletin or Poster in English
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 UNOCHA : Humanitarian Coordination and Affair
18.01.00  -  International Civil Service
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