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Information Centre | Nepal
NEPAL: Operational Space (1 to 30 April, 2008)
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In the month of April, most operational work and field activities, construction work and
development activities were reduced to a minimum due to Constituent Assembly (CA) election. There was no increase in the number of reported Basic Operating Guidelines (BOGs) violations which might be due to reduced activity and reduced field presence in sensitive areas. From 15 April onwards, most activities by I/NGOs, development programmes, staff movement that had stopped for the election period resumed. NGOs started their programmes and staffs slowly returned to VDCs in the Terai but usually return to district headquarters during the night due to the volatile political and security situations.
UNOCHA ,   (2008 )
Type / Script:
Bulletin or Poster in English
Thematic Group:
 UNOCHA : Humanitarian Coordination and Affair
05.02.00  -  Management
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Feeder: SABINARAYAMAJHI , Editor: , Auditor:

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