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Information Centre | Nepal
Inter Agency Standing Committee IASC/GoN - Multi Cluster Initial Rapid Assessment in Nepal: Draft Document for Discussion (May 2009)
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Accurate and timely information about the needs of people affected by emergencies is essential for effective design of humanitarian programmes and equitable allocation of resources. Improved assessment and analysis is expected to support the identification of acute humanitarian needs and create a solid evidence base for humanitarian decision making regarding the level and type of action required to respond to those needs. Since global resources to help deal with catastrophes are limited, it is increasingly imperative for humanitarian actors to target their assistance strategically, taking
into account the severity, scale and underlying causes of the disaster.
UNOCHA ,   (2009 )
Type / Script:
Bulletin or Poster in English
Thematic Group:
 UNOCHA : Humanitarian Coordination and Affair
13.02.00  -  Disaster Prevention, Preparedness And Relief
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Feeder: SABINARAYAMAJHI , Editor: , Auditor:

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