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Information Centre | Nepal
Feasibility Study of Agriculture Products Export Production Villages (EPVs) in Selected Rural Districts in Nepal
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As one of the main elements of its technical co-operation with Nepal, UNDP and the HMG Nepal designed a Poverty Reduction Programme in 1997 aimed at strengthening planning and implementation of the poverty reduction programmes during the Ninth Plan period (1997-2002). Two key components of the poverty reduction programme of the UNDP are the Micro-Enterprise Development Programme (MEDEP) and the Participatory District Development Programme (PDDP). Experiences learned from these two projects have suggested that effectiveness of efforts can be enhanced if they focus on a selected number of target sectors and districts.
MEDEP was started with an objective of producing existing product for the existing market. MEDEP's principle in developing micro-enterprises is based on the "output oriented demand driven process" in implementing its activities in the selected districts in partnership with service delivery organisations in the micro-enterprise sector (MEDEP, 2001). MEDEP has been able to create rural base economy taking advantage of local resources, indigenous skills and know-how and existing market demand (Sharma, 2000). In this endeavour, MEDEP has experienced that the poor micro producers can join-in group and produce a marketable volume if they are supported to establish a forward link to the market.
While MEDEP was working on identifying a resource base of the local community, many such resources like vegetables, vegetable seeds, ginger, dhakka clothes, allo fibres, and so forth were also seen which could enter the export market if some kind of entrepreneurial skills could be developed among the local producers. From this experience of MEDEP, it was thought that this potentiality should be worked out. In order to benefit from potential export opportunities, International Trade Centre (ITC) commissioned the present study to evaluate the feasibility of developing export production villages in poor districts and villages in Nepal.
The feasibility study will be completed in three steps. Step 1: assessment of the production potential, problems and constraints of the supply side based on the guidelines given in the "Orientation Kit" provided by ITC; Step 2: assessment of the export potential of the short listed products to selected target markets from demand side; Step 3: preparation of a consolidated report on the findings and recommendations gained through Steps 1 and 2, and prepare a draft of the project document if the project seems feasible. Step 1 for fresh vegetables, ginger and vegetable seeds was completed by the national consultant on July 2002. Step 2 is to be completed by the international consultant with the assistance of national consultant.
MEDEP/UNDP ,   (2003 )
Type / Script:
Progress Report in English
Thematic Group:
 UNDP : Social and Institutional Developoment
04.01.01  -  Agricultural Economics And Policy; Rural Sociology
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Feeder: SHOVA GIRI , Editor: SANJIYA SHRESTHA , Auditor:

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