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Information Centre | Nepal
Supporting Nepal In Building Back Better: National Reconstruction Planning And Implementation (August 2015)
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UNDP is assisting Nepal to recover from the devastating earthquakes. With a comprehensive programme spanning three years, UNDP focuses on four main areas of work: assisting the Government in its recovery planning and implementation, revitalizing livelihoods and supporting the economic recovery of communities, restoring local governance systems and public service delivery, and helping to build a disaster resilient Nepal under the leadership of the Government. An estimated US$6.7 billion is needed for the successful recovery and reconstruction of Nepal following the earthquakes. Reconstruction is a massive undertaking. In order to meet the associated challenges, the Government of Nepal announced the establishment of a National Reconstruction Authority, a national body that will report to Cabinet and is empowered to set recovery policies, and provide oversight to recovery effort of Government, as well as the support provided by international and local actors. UNDP stands ready to provide operational, as well as planning and capacity development support to enable the new body carry out its mandate.
UNDP ,   (2015 )
Type / Script:
Bulletin or Poster in English
Thematic Group:
 UNDP : Social and Institutional Developoment
13.02.00  -  Disaster Prevention, Preparedness And Relief
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Feeder: LEELASHRESTHA , Editor: , Auditor:

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