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Information Centre | Nepal
Bio-Engineering Practices To Control Erosion Of River Embankments In Nepal
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Heavy rainfall and landslides in the up-streams of the Churia range cause sedimentation of river beds, leading to erosion of river embankments by fast flows of water. This heavily affects the livelihoods of farmers downstream, causing loss of infrastructure, crops and livestock. In addition, the continuous erosion of agricultural lands has led to floods and gradual deposition of sand, silt and boulders in agricultural land. Cultivation of fast-growing live barriers and building of gabion wires are some of the bio-engineering practices promoted in the Terai region of Nepal to control erosion of river embankments by fast flows of water. These activities to control erosion of productive land along the river bank increase agriculture productivity and sustainability, while providing additional income for farmers. These practices are technically sound, as well as economically feasible and socially accepted.
TECA/FAO ,   (2016 )
Type / Script:
Bulletin or Poster in English
Thematic Group:
 FAO : Food and Agriculture Organization
13.02.00  -  Disaster Prevention, Preparedness And Relief
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