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Information Centre | Nepal
Bagar Farming (Baluwa kheti) In River Banks Of Nepal
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Farmers located along the river banks in the Kapilvastu district in Nepal face frequent floods and subsequent land degradation that deeply affects their livelihoods, as the sand that deposits in this area makes cultivation of crops unfeasible. The introduction of water melon and sweet potato crops along the river banks, also known as bagar farming protects the land from excessive degradation. In addition, this livelihood activity ensures additional income and benefits not only local farmers, but also some local businessmen of Taulihawa, as well as the local haat bazar. Main advantages of these crops include if paddy crop fails due to floods or droughts, these crops can be cultivated as late season crops, and they do not need irrigation facilities during winter or can be cultivated during summer with some irrigation water.
TECA/FAO ,   (2016 )
Type / Script:
Bulletin or Poster in English
Thematic Group:
 FAO : Food and Agriculture Organization
04.01.01  -  Agricultural Economics And Policy; Rural Sociology
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Feeder: PRAGYA POKHAREL@GMAIL COM , Editor: , Auditor:

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