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Information Centre | Nepal
Evaluation Summary: Mid-Term Evaluation of Promoting the Effective Govvernance of Labour Migration from South Asia
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1. This report presents the results of the independent mid-term evaluation of the Promoting the Effective Governance of Labour Migration from South Asia through Actions on Labour Market Information, Protection during Recruitment and Employment, Skills, and Development Impact (SALM) project (RAS/12/07/EEC).
2. The project has an official starting date of 1 June 2013. The Chief Technical Adviser (CTA) of the project was hired and started assignment in September 2013. The project is due to be completed on 31 May 2016.
3. The overall objective of the SALM project is to promote well-managed labour migration from South Asia to the Gulf Cooperation Council countries (GCC), to ensure effective protection of the rights of vulnerable migrant workers, enhance the development impact of labour migration and reduce irregular flows. The project targets low-skilled migrant workers from India, Nepal and Pakistan migrating to Kuwait, Qatar and United Arab Emirates (UAE).
4. The action of the project is centred on six strategic pillars including generation of labour market information; promotion of safe migration; improvement of recruitment services; protection in employment; improvement of training and portability of skills; and facilitation of migration and development (specific to Nepal).
ILO ,   (2015 )
Type / Script:
Progress Report in English
Thematic Group:
 ILO : International Labor & Labor
12.01.00  -  Employment Promotion And Planning
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