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Information Centre | Nepal
A 15-point declaration made by the third labor conference held in Kathmandu from 19-21 July 2012
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1. Labor law is a basic law. It is equally applicable across the country. This conference agreed to bring all labor sectors/areas in the ambit of law. And, shows its commitment to introduce by laws as per the policy of ‘one law multiple bylaws‘according to the nature of industries.
2. This conference is committed to apply social security system in all labor sectors. The social security fund has collected one percent contribution from the labors so far. This conference draws attention to introduce the law immediately to contribute the agreed amount (in percentage) in the Fund as agreed between the employers and the trade unions. The conference also shows its commitment to introduce social security scheme and fixation of the government’s participation on the basis of a tripartite contribution.
3. To regulate the labor sectors, the amendment process of labor act and trade union act is ongoing. Labor flexibility and social security compliments to each other thus social security fund and national labor commission and other labor laws are in a package. This conference is committed to prepare draft labor laws within four months to end the ongoing process of the employment protection, social security, social dialogue, labor relation and strengthening the labor administration.
4. This conference is committed amending the trade union act and to arrange legal provisions to start the collective bargaining process at a same time.
5. Strengthening the labor administration is essential to manage labor sectors. Physical infrastructures and networks will be developed to address the human resource and structural constraints. This conference shows it commitment to introduce labor administration as specialized service group. This conference also shows its commitment to increase human resources in the labor administration, build the capacity and skills of the existing human resource to effectively strengthen the labor inspection system, registration and regulation of trade union and labor relation.
ILO ,   (2012 )
Type / Script:
Bulletin or Poster in English
Thematic Group:
 ILO : International Labor & Labor
12.01.00  -  Employment Promotion And Planning
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