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UNDP IN NEPAL Annual Report 2012
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A lot happened in 2012. The term of the Constituent Assembly expired without producing the much anticipated constitution, putting on hold substantive discussions on contentious constitutional issues like federalism. The peace process became further consolidated in 2012 with the integration of some former Maoist combatants into the Nepal Army and voluntary discharge of the remaining force.
Despite the political downs, Nepal continued to show extraordinary resilience. Some of the worst fears, thankfully, did not come true. The economy of Nepal continued to grow at a decent pace in 2012, but there is room for more rapid growth and that is where the focus should be.
Investment in agriculture, infrastructure and energy can accelerate the growth rate, and the government has rightly started focusing in these sectors.
Nepal is set to achieve most of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015, except those relating to full employment and climate change. By both national and international measures, the poverty rate continues to fall rapidly. The government plans to reduce it to 18 per cent in next three years and graduate into a developing country by 2022. All these are welcome ambitions. In collaboration with development partners, UNDP will support the Government of Nepal’s priorities to help it achieve these goals. UNDP, along with other development partners, is already assisting the government to accelerate progress in areas where it is likely to fall behind in
achieving MDGs. As discussion on post-2015 development
agenda is beginning to culminate, Nepal has to better
articulate its development agenda so that international
assistance can be consolidated and geared to towards
contributing to those goals.
Development partners will continue to provide more
relevant support to both the people and Government
of Nepal through their projects that support the peace
process, governance, poverty reduction, disaster
preparedness and climate change adaptations. The
Government of Nepal continues to express strong
demand for UNDP’s services. At UNDP, we believe in
strong partnership between UNDP, other UN agencies
and bilateral and multilateral development partners
to help Nepal at this critical juncture. In these times of
austerity in the global North, and as the goal 8 of MDGs
states, development organisations need to collaborate
effectively so that every aid dollar offers value for money.
We look forward to much more cooperation between
development organisations.

#Cooperation #Development #Disaster #MDGs #SDGs
UNDP ,   (2012 )
Type / Script:
Annual Report in English
Thematic Group:
 UNDP : Social and Institutional Developoment
02.04.00  -  Development
Reference Link:
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Feeder: SHOVA GIRI , Editor: SANJIYA SHRESTHA , Auditor:

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