United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
Strategy For Oral Health in South-East Asia, 2013–2020
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Oral health refers to the health status of the mouth and related structures that enable an individual to eat, speak, and socialize in the absence of active disease, dysfunction, pain, discomfort, or embarrassment. Oral health is an integral component of general health, quality of life and well-being. Poor oral health has a negative impact on work productivity and educational performance and adversely affects growth, development and quality of life. Oral diseases are among the most common chronic diseases worldwide and constitute a major public health problem due to the huge health and economic burden on individuals, families, societies, and health care systems. All oral diseases are related to socioeconomic status and disproportionately affect poor population groups,ethnic minorities and other disadvantaged or vulnerable groups.The Strategy for oral health in South-East Asia, 2013–2020 presents guidance to Member States in developing national policy and action plans to improve oral health within the existing socioeconomic, cultural, political and health system contexts of the Region,fully in line and integrated with planning for prevention and control of NCDs. It expresses the regional consensus on major strategies in the area of oral health promotion as well as oral disease prevention and control,and aims to reduce the health and socioeconomic burden resulting from oral diseases, as well as reducing oral health inequities and improving the quality of life of the population.
WHO ,   (2013 )
Type / Script:
Progress Report in English
Thematic Group:
 WHO : World Health Organization
10.02.00  -  Comprehensive Health Services
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