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Information Centre | Nepal
Managing Migration for the Benefit of all:The International Organization for Migration (IOM), Mission in Nepal INFO-SHEET
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1.Nepal became a member of IOM in November 2006, A Cooperation Agreement was signed between Govt. of Nepal and IOM in August 2007, IOM Nepal staff strength: 416 National staff, 3 UNV and 16 International staff (August 2015)
2. IOM takes responsibility for all aspects of resettlement after the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) refers a case for third country resettlement consideration. IOM Nepal resettlement activities include: File Preparation/ Organization of Selection Missions/ Case Tracking; Cultural Orientation;Health Assessments; and Movement.
3. The IOM resettlement project in Nepal began in October 2007. A total number of 99,013 refugees have already departed for resettlement in eight different countries as of 31 August 2015. Almost all resettlement activities are based in Damak.
4. IOM conducts 3-5 day Cultural Orientation courses in eastern Nepal for refugees accepted for resettlement in the US, Australia, Canada and Norway. The course, based upon the curricula provided by the country of resettlement, focuses on the primary resettlement concerns of refugees – Housing, Employment, Education, Social Services and Legal Rights.
5. In Kathmandu, the Operations team receives refugees transported through charter flights from eastern Nepal and arranges accommodation for them at the IOM Transit Centre. The team also arranges commercial airline bookings for refugees for best routine and cost effective movement, and facilitates airport formalities for all departing refugees.OPS-Kathmandu provides operational flight escorts on an as-and-when required basis as well as arrange medical escort for medical cases in coordination with Migration Health Unit. It also handles flight movements for cases ex-Sri Lanka and India.
IOM ,   (2015 )
Type / Script:
Bulletin or Poster in English
Thematic Group:
 IOM : Internatinal Organization for Migration
08.01.00  -  Population Dynamics
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