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Information Centre | Nepal
Joint Press Release of FAO Representation and WHO Country Office for Nepal ( 17 November 2014 )
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Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) are jointly
organizing the Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2), an inclusive inter-governmental meeting on nutrition at FAO Headquarters, in Rome, from 19-21 November 2014. It is organised in collaboration with World Food Programme, International Fund for Agriculture Development, United Nations Children’s Fund, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, World Bank, World Trade Organization, Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, International Food Policy Research Institute, United Nations Standing Committee on Nutrition, and UN Secretary-General’s High Level Task Force on Global Food Security. It will be a high-level ministerial conference which will propose a flexible policy framework to address today’s major
nutrition challenges and identify priorities for enhanced international cooperation on nutrition. It is expected that a political outcome document, the Rome Declaration on Nutrition, developed by Members, together with a technical Framework for Action for its implementation will be endorsed at the Conference.The Government of Nepal recognises that chronic malnutrition is a major problem. Due to its potential negative impact on economic development and on the human population, it must be accorded a major priority by the government, and urgently addressed and significantly reduced. National Multi-sector Nutrition Plan for improving maternal and child nutrition and reducing chronic malnutrition has been prepared by five government sectors, and is led by the National Planning Commission and coordinated through National Nutrition and Food Security Secretariat (NNFSS). The long-term vision of the multi-sector nutrition plan, over the next 5 years, is to lead the country toward significantly reducing chronic malnutrition so that it no longer becomes an impediment to improving human capital and for overall socio-economic development. The goal, over the next five years, is to improve maternal and child nutrition, which will result in the reduction of Maternal Infant and Young Child (MIYC) under-nutrition, in terms of maternal BMI and child stunting, by one third. The main purpose is to strengthen capacity of the National Planning Commission and the key ministries to promote and steer the multi-sector nutrition programme for improved maternal and child nutrition at all levels of society.The Government of Nepal is also implementing Agriculture and Food Security Project funded by Global Agriculture and Food Security Programme (GAFSP). The project’s major focus is to enhance the food and nutritional security of targeted communities in selected locations of Nepal through increased food availability made possible by increasing productivity in agriculture, both crop and livestock and improved dietary intake, made possible by promotion of diversified diets, and improved feeding and caring practices for pregnant and lactating women and children up to two years of age.
FAO ,   (2014 )
Type / Script:
Bulletin or Poster in English
Thematic Group:
 FAO : Food and Agriculture Organization
10.01.00  -  Food And Nutrition
Reference Link:
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Feeder: ANG1EE12 , Editor: ALISHA THAPALIYA , Auditor:

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