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Information Centre | Nepal
Study on Demand Side of Trafficking of Children and Women in Nepal
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Human trafficking is a criminal, clandestine and collaborative act. It is a commercial,
multidimensional phenomenon with indivisibility of supply and demand. It encompasses a
range of abusers, different forms of abuse, and varies in the type and degree of impact on the victim. Demand for children and women in commercial sexual exploitation and other worst forms of labor are the prime pull factors. While poverty and gender inequality make women and children particularly vulnerable to traffickers, it is the demand of the employers who buy the services from the trafficked victims in concurrence with the clients of sex workers/domestic labor and the agents/middlemen who facilitate the trafficking process that makes trafficking lucrative.Several studies have already been undertaken to explore and analyze the ‘supply side’; ‘process’; and the working condition of women and children engaged in the worst form of labor but none or very few researches have been done to analyze the interrelationship between the ‘supply’ and the ‘demand’ side of trafficking. Realizing the gaps in understanding the ‘demand side’ of trafficking of children and women in the Asia region the International Labor Organization (ILO) planned a regional study on demand side of trafficking of children and women in five South- East Asian countries namely, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri-Lanka and Indonesia. ‘This study initiated by the ILO-IPEC regional project on combating child trafficking for labour and sexual exploitation (TICSA-II) was funded by the USDOL.The general objective of the study is to develop an in-depth understanding of the ‘demand’ and the ‘demand side’ of trafficking of children and women. The specific objectives are to develop knowledge of the dynamics and the enabling environment with reference to the demand for trafficked labor and the demand side of trafficking, in particular, of girls, boys and women; to formulate recommendations for policy and program measures addressing the demand side of trafficking; and to strengthen trafficking research network in the Asia Pacific Region.Considering the time factor and research gaps in particular, and the consensus made by the regional research working group members, the present study in Nepal has covered three sectors, namely. Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Women (CSECW), Domestic Labor (DL) and Forced Conscription of Children and Women as soldiers. This regional study was designed in such a way that it would yield a basic set of cross-country comparable standard data. The study has used both quantitative and qualitative methods to generate information on demand side of trafficking in the three sectors. The instruments used by the study include semi-structured interview, key informant interview, focus group discussions and case studies. A total of 195 commercial sex workers (80 Girls, 35 Boys and 80 Women), 210 clients and 70 employers in the CSECW sector and 208 domestic labors (72 Girls, 69 Boys and 67 Women) and 120 employers in the domestic labor sector were interviewed by using a structured questionnaire. The study team also interacted with demobilized girls, boys and women soldiers, Rebels' Chain of Command, l/NGOs, GOs, Public Officials, Security Personnel and others for the purpose of the study.
ILO ,   (2006 )
Type / Script:
Publication in English
Thematic Group:
 ILO : International Labor & Labor
14.02.02  -  Human Rights
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Feeder: ANG1EE12 , Editor: ALISHA THAPALIYA , Auditor:

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