United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
Project Title : Institutional Capacity Building Of Tribhuvan University.
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Journalism education was initiated in Nepal in 1976 as the Journalism Department of the Tribhuvan University (TU) was established with support from UNESCO. Today, there are three universities and approximately 170 colleges giving training in journalism in Nepal, and the Nepali media landscape is thriving with thousands of newspapers and magazines, hundreds of radio channels and more than 30 TV channels. Journalism and mass communication courses are witnessing considerable demand from students with intent on pursuing careers in journalism and communication.
Nepal is a post-conflict country with a young and still fragile peace. Therefore the capacity of media is of particular importance. Only with well trained journalists who understand their rights and responsibilities can Nepali media take its crucial place in strengthening the democracy of the country and disseminating information to the Nepali people. In this context, Tribhuvan University (TU) is planning a pilot project for journalism training. The purpose of the project is to update and improve the journalism training in Nepal through introducing the UNESCO Model Curricula for Journalism Training for the first time in Nepal. TU will first review the current curricula for BA and MA level studies, and then revise it according to the UNESCO Model.
In order to take full advantage of the revised curricula, the university needs new tools, both in terms of textbooks that correspond with the revised curricula and technical equipment, as well as in terms of increased capacity of the teaching staff of the university.
Currently TU’s Central Department for Journalism and Mass Communication only has 3 computers, 4 sound recorders, 3 small digital cameras and 1 television. By establishing a national journalism education resource centre, open to all universities offering training in journalism, TU will improve the students’ possibilities to put their learning into practice. Through training and networking activities, the experiences from the Model Curricula will be distributed to other institutions giving training in journalism as well.
The long term aim of the pilot project is to start a new era in journalism training in Nepal, by providing the students with education that is of better quality and prepare them both with skills as well as the understanding of their role in building democratization and peace in Nepal as the journalists of the new generation.
UNESCO ,   (2012 )
Type / Script:
Progress Report in English
Thematic Group:
 UNESCO : Educational, Scientific and Cultural
12.02.00  -  Skills Development
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