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Information Centre | Nepal
UNNATI : Access To Finance ( A2F ) Project
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Agriculture the largest economic sector in Nepal, contributes to more than one third of the country's GDP (32-36%) and provides employment and livelihood opportunities to more than two third (76%) of its population. Despite the opportunities, commercializing the agricultural sector faces many challenges, as a result, the competitiveness of Nepalese agricultural products is low and in declining trend.One of the major constraints is the limited or lack of access to financial services for rural smallholder farmers and Micro, Small and Medium enterprises (MSMEs). The following major factors limit the expansion of financial services.The UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) together with Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB) are currently implementing the Support to Financial Inclusion in Nepal 2014-2018 through the " Access to Finance" (A2F) Project, abbreviated as UNNATI-A2F. This five year projecty with a total budget of USD 9.4 million is funded by the Government of Denmark and UNCDF within the scope of a bigger inclusive growth programme called UNNATI which mainly targets towards entrepreneurs and smallholder farmers in the Eastern Development Region (EDR).
UNCDF, UNNATI, Nepal Rastriya Bank ,   (2015 )
Type / Script:
Bulletin or Poster in English
Thematic Group:
 UNCDF : Capital Development
04.01.01  -  Agricultural Economics And Policy; Rural Sociology
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Feeder: ANG1EE12 , Editor: ALISHA THAPALIYA , Auditor:

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