United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
Action Plan: Nepal Peace and Development Strategy 2010–2015
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Nepal’s international development partners are committed to supporting Nepal’s peace process. In this spirit, they have finalized a ‘Peace and Development Strategy’ that was developed over the course of 2010 by a cross-section of local and international actors—including UN agencies, bilateral aid agencies, international financial institutions, non-governmental organizations, think tanks and others. The strategy has also benefitted from discussions with different parts of government during its formulation.
The strategy articulates how development partners could assist Nepal in the years ahead to realize the development agenda embedded in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. It makes the case for ensuring development investments are ready, when called upon, to assist with both the short-term challenges as well as the all-important long-term transition issues reflected in the CPA. The strategy is, in effect, an ‘offer of support’ by development partners in specific areas that could help Nepal build the kind of peace which will be irreversible. The strategy also looks critically at how development partners can better respond to the particular demands of peace-building in terms of development effectiveness, coordination and operations.
In order to ensure this process yields concrete results, the Peace and Development Strategy identifies 178 specific areas of ongoing or potential support for development partners. These points have been compiled into this ‘Plan of Action’ that has been released as a companion document to the Peace and Development Strategy. The status of the Action Plan will be reviewed and updated periodically to ensure the actions identified are moved along. Though all actions are ultimately contingent upon requests being made by the Government, the Action Plan will help establish a state of readiness for development
UN ,   (2011 )
Type / Script:
Progress Report in English
Thematic Group:
 UN : International Peace and Security
01.03.00  -  Maintenance Of Peace And Security
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Feeder: PRAJU SHRESTHA , Editor: , Auditor:

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