United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
Evaluation Summaries - Sustainable Elimination of Child Bonded Labour in Nepal: Phase II
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The Government of Nepal abolished the Kamaiya system (a form of bonded labour in agriculture) in July 2000 through an enactment: “The Kamaiya Labour Prohibition Act-2001”. Although the Act is named after one system of bonded labour (the Kamaiya system), it covers other forms of bonded labour such as Bhaisabar (buffalo herder), Gaibar (cow herder), Chhekarabar (goat herder), Haruwa (tiller), Charuwa (herder), Hali (tiller), Gothalo (herder).The Government of Nepal has started initiatives to address the issue of bonded labour (Kamaiya system) in coordination with development agencies (including ILO-IPEC) in the western part of Nepal. The two neediest categories comprising 14,000 households were identified by the government for assistance in terms of land and housing. Through the first phase of the project “Sustainable Elimination of Child Bonded Labour”, ILO/IPEC provided them assistance during September 2000 to August 2005.The second phase of the project Sustainable Elimination of Child Bonded labour – Phase II started on 15 September 2006 and will run for four years till 15 September 2010. It aims to provide assistance to another 12,000 Kamaiya households identified by government as requiring rehabilitation as well as those under the Haruwa/Charuwa system.
ILO ,   (2012 )
Type / Script:
Bulletin or Poster in English
Thematic Group:
 ILO : International Labor & Labor
12.06.00  -  Special Categories Of Workers
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