United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
UNMIN Patra #5, Feb/Mar 2008
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Campaigning for the CA election is moving into full swing after the signing of key agreements, and in the weeks before the election political parties have a major responsibility to reach out peacefully to people in all districts to explain their election platforms. Creating a free and fair atmosphere for the CA election will depend largely on how the parties fulfill this responsibility.
Even as complex political negotiations between the Government and the United Democratic Madhesi Front and the Federal Republican National Front respectively went on in the capital during February, and amidst the Terai bandh, the Election Commission successfully completed key activities across the country in preparation for the election. These included the recruitment and deployment of Returning Officers to all 240 constituencies; refresher training to some 9,000 voter education volunteers and the re activation of the voter education campaign in all villages; the training and deployment of the EC’s monitoring committees and the successful processes of receiving party lists and candidate nominations.
So the stage is set both politically and technically for the 10 April election. UNMIN and the United Nations system in Nepal, especially the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, will continue to play its supportive role to assist with the election.
It is hoped that UNMIN’s presence in all districts will help to instill confidence in the community, and will assist in improving the climate for the election. Helping to create a free and fair atmosphere for the election is a key role for both UNMIN’s civil affairs officers and OHCHR-Nepal’s human rights monitors.

Nepali Version: http://un.info.np/Net/NeoDocs/View/1954
#460 #1954 #pair
UNMIN ,   (2008 )
Type / Script:
Bulletin or Poster in English
Thematic Group:
 UNMIN : Peace and Conflict through Political Mission
01.03.00  -  Maintenance Of Peace And Security
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