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Information Centre | Nepal
Monthly Update – September 2011 UN Resident & Humanitarian Coordinator’s Office Nepal
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1. The Legislature-Parliament‟s majority vote to elect Baburam Bhattarai (UCPN-M) as Prime Minister in August, secured through the signing of the Four Point Agreement with the United Democratic Madheshi Front (UDMF) and bringing the UDMF into a majority government, was welcomed with great expectations that the peace process should enjoy significant gains in the months to come.
2. The Prime Minister has called on the non-Maoist parties to reach agreement on the number of Maoist army personnel to be integrated into the security services and those to receive rehabilitation packages.
3. During the month of September, operational space continued to be affected by monsoon induced landslides at localized sections of road across the country. The earthquake of 18 September caused various landslides and road blockages particularly in the Eastern Region.
4. There were fewer bandh and other disruptions towards the beginning of the month, potentially due to the number of major festivals, onset of Dashain and the lack of political triggers.
5. Few major political disruptive actions took place.
6. A total of 15 Improvised explosive device(IED) incidences were reported across ten districts in the country, including ten explosions that injured two people.
7. Local reactions to central peace process dynamics
8. A number of new organisations advocating for issues of concern to the Far West Region
were active.
9. Retaliatory violence between political youth wings continues in Chitwan
10. The voter registration process in Banke continues to be obstructed by the UMDF in Banke District.
11. Situational Overview on Sikkim-Nepal Earthquake, 18 September

#RobertPiper #RC #RCO #MonthlyUpdates
UNRCHCO ,   (2011 )
Type / Script:
Bulletin or Poster in English
Thematic Group:
 UNRCHCO (UNRCO) : UN Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator Office (UN Resident Coordinator Office)
01.03.00  -  Maintenance Of Peace And Security
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Feeder: PRAJU SHRESTHA , Editor: ROHINI LAMA , Auditor:

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