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Information Centre | Nepal
National Aquaculture Sector Overview Nepal
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Aquaculture is fairly a new activity in Nepal. It began in the 1940s with pond culture of Indian major carps. Over the years, carp polyculture in ponds has developed as the most viable and popular aquaculture production system in Nepal and in 2003/2004 accounted for over 90 percent of total aquaculture production. The major part of the pond fish production takes place in the southern part of the country – the Terai plain – where 94 percent of the fish ponds are located. Cage fish culture and enclosure fish culture in lakes and reservoirs as well as rice-fish culture are popular production systems, but expansion has so far been limited. Fish culture in gholes – marginal irrigated agriculture land, swamps and ditches – is a recent intervention in Nepal and has been quite encouraging as a poverty focused and livelihood improving activity for the rural targeted community. It should be properly assessed and expanded as a sustainable activity in the country. The potential for the commercial production of cold-water exotic species rainbow trout and the market potential for the aquarium decoration industry are encouraging areas for the sub-sector to contribute to the economic development of the country.During 2003/2004 the fisheries sector, including aquaculture and capture fisheries, produced a total of 39 947 tonnes of aquatic products and contributed to over 2 percent of gross domestic production in the Agriculture sector in Nepal. Per capita fish production in Nepal for 2003/2004 reached 1.6 kg/year. It has been estimated that during 2003/2004 fisheries and aquaculture development activities in Nepal employed about 504 000 people and benefited 741 000 (over 3 percent of the population). A preliminary analysis of employment and income generation has shown that people employed in aquaculture have higher income potential compared to people employed in other agricultural sectors. The current fisheries development policy objectives include:
increased production through intensified, commercialized and diversified operations, appropriate management and conservation of indigenous fish species, and an improved marketing network for fresh fish by using appropriate post-harvest techniques. Aquaculture development has followed an encouraging path in Nepal. However, issues such as production systems and technologies, target group, input supply, extension support services, credit service, legal issues, environmental considerations, marketing service, institutional framework need to be properly addressed in order to achieve long-term sustainable goals.

FAO ,   (2013 )
Type / Script:
Progress Report in English
Thematic Group:
 FAO : Food and Agriculture Organization
04.04.00  -  Fisheries
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Feeder: ANG1EE12 , Editor: PRABIGYA MANANDHAR , Auditor:

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