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Information Centre | Nepal
Upper Mustang: Cultural Heritage of Lo Tso Dhun
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Upper Mustang, the former kingdom of Lo, is a land of stone, earth and wind. Travellers to Upper Mustang follow the old trade route along the Kali Gandaki River. Over centuries, the surrounding landscape has been endowed with small settlements, chhortens and mani walls. This region is a unique example of Tibetan culture.
In the absence of a coherent overview on the cultural heritage of Upper Mustang, the UNESCO Office in Kathmandu has prepared this study in order to provide a synopsis on what makes Upper Mustang so unique. Considering the specific nature of the region, this study tries not to see the areas’ cultural heritage and its conservation in isolation, but rather as linked to the natural environment, the need for development, and Lo’s inhabitants, who are ultimately the basis for any success or failure of conservation activities.
In the light of the current period of transition (with the development of access routes from both Lhasa and Kathmandu) this study aims at defining an integrated framework for the cultural conservation and development of Upper Mustang. Acknowledging that aspects of Upper Mustang are in transition, the possibilities for conservation are defined within the context of the need for change and development. The framework proposed has been prepared based on discussions and interactions with various stakeholders, both national and international experts and local people.
Besides presenting an overview of the heritage of Upper Mustang, the study also aims at raising awareness among a broader public on the uniqueness and outstanding value of the heritage of the Upper Mustang region. It is after all a unique example of a Tibetan culture that has been remarkably well preserved, yet which also requires greater assistance in lifting the inhabitants out of poverty.
UNESCO ,   (2007 )
Type / Script:
Publication in English
Thematic Group:
 UNESCO : Educational, Scientific and Cultural
15.02.00  -  Protection Of Intellectual And Cultural Property
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Feeder: PRAJU SHRESTHA , Editor: , Auditor:

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