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Information Centre | Nepal
A Study Report on Organisation, Negotiation and Contracting: Case Study of West Gandak and Marchawar Lift Irrigation Systems Nepal (February 2002)
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The ILO has been promoting “people’s participation” since the mid-1970s, particularly in the framework of the basic needs approach developed under the World Employment Programme. Participation of local communities in decisions of direct interest to them was seen as a precondition to economic, social and political changes required to achieve better working and living conditions for the low income groups in society, and to break the vicious circle of UN and underemployment, poverty, marginalization and social exclusion.In this regard, the ILO’s Employment-intensive Investment Programme, which aims at improving access of poor communities and low income groups to productive resources, remunerative employment and basic social services, has come to the conclusion that “participation” needs to be materialised in concrete, operational systems which, ideally, would give people both the voice and the power they need to defend their interests. It’s experience has shown that the key concepts underlying participation and, indeed, empowerment, are organization and negotiation, and that contractual arrangements defining rights and obligations of all parties concerned- can provide the operational tool to both promote people’s own institutions and their collective bargaining capacity, thus enabling them to defend their interests in a long-term development perspective.
ILO ,   (2002 )
Type / Script:
Progress Report in English
Thematic Group:
 ILO : International Labor & Labor
04.01.02  -  Agricultural Sciences, Engineering And Education
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Feeder: ANG1EE12 , Editor: ALISHA THAPALIYA , Auditor:

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