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Information Centre | Nepal
35th Anniversary ILO-Nepal Partnership
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The International Labour Organization (ILO), created in 1919, is built on the constitutional principles that universal and lasting peace can only be established if it is based upon social justice. The ILO brings together governments, employers and trade unions from its 175 member states for united action to promote social progress, without which there can be no harmonious economic or social development. The International Labour Conference, which meets annually, provides an international forum for discussion of world labour and social problems. It also sets minimum international labour standards and the broad policies of the ILO. One of the most important and basic functions of the ILO is the adoption of conventions and recommendations that set international labour standards. Between 1919 and 2001, 184 conventions and 192 recommendations have been adopted. They cover many areas such as certain basic human rights (freedom of association, abolition of forced labour, elimination of child labour and elimination of discrimination in employment labour administration, industrial relations, employment policy, working conditions, social security, occupational safety and health (OSH), employment of women and employment of special categories (migrant workers and seafarers).

#ILO #ChildLabour #ChildTrafficking #WomenEmpowerment #Education
ILO ,   (2001 )
Type / Script:
Publication in English
Thematic Group:
 ILO : International Labor & Labor
12.01.00  -  Employment Promotion And Planning
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Feeder: ASHAPARIYAR , Editor: MALIKA THAPA , Auditor:

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