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Information Centre | Nepal
Ian Martin Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Nepal Address at the “Dalit Parliament” Organised by the Rasriya Dalit Network Nepal
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Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon noted in his January report to the Security Council, prior to the establishment of UNMIN, that “if Nepal fails to meaningfully include traditionally marginalized groups in the peace process and in the election, and in the deliberations of the Constituent Assembly, the country will lose a crucial opportunity to harness the strength and vision of its own people and leave some of the key underlying causes of the conflict unaddressed.

#SecurityCouncil #PeaceProcess #Elections #humanRights
UNMIN ,   (2007 )
Type / Script:
Press Release in English
Thematic Group:
 UNMIN : Peace and Conflict through Political Mission
01.03.00  -  Maintenance Of Peace And Security
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Feeder: ANJANA SHRESTHA , Editor: MALIKA THAPA , Auditor:

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