United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
UNDAF District Profile: Bajura
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Bajura District covers 2,188km of the Seti zone in Nepal’s Far Western Region. The elevation in Bajura ranges from 726 to 7,036m above sea level. Bajura District has one electoral constituency, 27 Village Development Committees (VDCs), and its district headquarters (DHQ) is located in the small town of Martadi. Martadi (DHQ), Kolti, Tipada, Betalmandu and Rithebazar are main market centers of the district. Difficult topography and lack of physical infrastructure present a major challenge to accessibility and service
delivery in Bajura. The only option to get to Bajura is the Sanphe-Martadi road that leads only to district headquarters and an airport located at Kolti that connects with Nepalgunj with limited flights. Bajura’s population in 2011 was a little under 135,000 people with annual growth rate of 2.2%, which has accelerated from 1.82% in 2001. Nepal’s decade-long conflict had severe effects in Bajura. A total of 146 people were killed in the district, nine disabled and two are missing. The conflict damaged physical infrastructure, community level service centres and offices, resulting in line agency service centres shifting to district headquarters during the conflict. In mid-May 2013, the total number of people registred to vote in Bajura reached 54,945. Bajura has a District Court, a District Attorney Office and a District Police Office as well as seven Police Posts outside DHQ. The Women and Children Office is concerned that vulnerable groups have little access to legal aid or legislative and judicial information and it has formed Paralegal Committees to enhance awareness on gender- and caste-based discrimination and also mediate disputes at community level. n Bajura, women suffer from gender-based violence, gender-based discrimination in education, in household chores and in nutrition, as well as differential social and cultural norms. Cases of child marriage and polygyny, a practice of a husband keeping multiple wives, are also not uncommon in remote villages of Bajura, but are rarely reported due to social stigma. Bajura District Education Office estimates that the literacy rate for those more than 15 years old is 40% with a large difference between males (59%) and females (22%). Poor physical condition of the schools, inadequately trained teachers and insufficient educational materials are the major challenges in the education sector. Employment opportunities are limited in Bajura. Agriculture is the biggest contributor to household income but lack of alternative work in the mountains and hills or during the low agricultural season in the winter (mid November to April), and lack of basic services induce a large number of people to migrate to the Terai and India annually in search of work. Bajura has one Hospital, one Primary Health Centre, 11 Health Posts and 15 Sub-Health Posts. The incidence of diarrhoea in Bajura declined from 982 cases per thousand people in 2010/11 to 751 in 2011/12. The number of ante-natal care (ANC) visits increased in the fiscal year 2011/12 in comparison to the previous year. Bajura is among the districts with highest prevalence of stunting (60%), Global Acute Malnutrition (14%), and anaemia (53%) in children under 5 years of age. One third of women of reproductive age are anaemic, and over one fifth of them are underweight. Bajura often experiences food deficits. Over a third of Bajura’s population (39%) typically have food sufficiency only for three months. Bajura is ranked among the districts at high risk for drought and with very low adaptation capability.

UNRCHCO ,   (2013 )
Type / Script:
Bulletin or Poster in English
Thematic Group:
 UNRCHCO (UNRCO) : UN Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator Office (UN Resident Coordinator Office)
15.05.00  -  Documentation, Library And Information Sciences And Reference Works
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