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Information Centre | Nepal
Briefing by Representative of the Secretary-General in Nepal Karin Landgren (22 September 2010)
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Surendra Phuyal (BBC Nepali Service): What will happen if Nepal’s peace process, especially the process of integration and rehabilitation remains incomplete. Is there any room for further extension of UNMIN’s mandate?
RSG: I am working on the assumption that this is the last extension of UNMIN’s mandate. The Security Council’s language in resolution 1939 is very clear.
Phanindra Dahal (The Kathmandu Post): In your briefing to the Security Council, you have
mentioned about the fresh recount of the Maoist combatants. And in the recent Special Committee meeting, the government and the Maoists have agreed to share fresh details of the combatants. Could you tell us when the process would begin?
RSG: The agreement to a fresh headcount is a very positive development. It was also a very new development at the time I reported it to the Council. The agreement between the government and the UCPN-M on the sharing of information is strictly between the parties. In February this year, we had encouraged the government, in order to obtain that information, to work through the Special Committee. So, this is a matter between the Maoists and the government.

UNMIN ,   (2010 )
Type / Script:
Press Release in English
Thematic Group:
 UNMIN : Peace and Conflict through Political Mission
01.01.00  -  Political Conditions, Institutions, Movements
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