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Information Centre | Nepal
Strengthening of Community Seed Production Groups (CSPG) in Nepal
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The seed replacement rate in Nepal is very low and this should be increased to at least 25-33% from the current level of 4.7% in the country. Farmers have been growing deteriorated seeds of crop varieties for many years without replacement. Farmers prefer local varieties in rainfed areas due to low input and low management requirements and low risks compared to improved varieties. So, for successful production of quality seeds, farmers need to be organized in community-based seed production groups (CBSPG). The programme also provides production inputs, credit, training and technical know-how on seed production, storage and marketing. Farmers have been growing the same seeds of crop varieties for many years without replacement. As a result, seeds? quality has deteriorated. For successful production of quality seeds, farmers need to be organized in community seed production groups (CSPG)under a community seed bank (CSB) scheme. The programme aims to provide food grain exchange for seeds and credit to allow the community to store seeds= for the next season. This practice will either provide space to participating farmers to store their seeds in big silos or mini seed houses or collect the seeds produced by farmers at reasonable prices and store them in a community seed storage facility. Since Community Seed Banks will bear the costs of cleaning, storage and fumigations, they will charge some nominal fee that will be deposited in revolving fund. Farmers are provided inputs and soft production loans to allow them produce quality seeds. Member farmers will also be provided training and technical know-how on seed production, storage and marketing. The community seed production groups sells the surplus seeds to other districts or to the neighboring villages at better prices and thus member farmers will have a fair share of the benefits. The objective of strengthening the community seed production groups are: (i) to produce quality seeds and store them for future use and (ii) to improve the capacity of the community seed bank with revolving funds and storage facilities.

#CSPG #NaturalResources #Management #Agricultural #SeedStorage
FAO ,   (2013 )
Type / Script:
Bulletin or Poster in English
Thematic Group:
 FAO : Food and Agriculture Organization
04.01.01  -  Agricultural Economics And Policy; Rural Sociology
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Feeder: ASHAPARIYAR , Editor: MALIKA THAPA , Auditor:

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