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Information Centre | Nepal
Labour Migration for Employment - A Status Report for Nepal 2013/2014
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Over the past decade, Nepal has experienced a surge in out-migration for foreign employment to various destination countries. As more and more Nepali citizens aspire and depart for foreign jobs, regulators and stakeholders face new challenges in managing the migratory cycle and ensuring the that well-being and rights of all migrant workers are safeguarded. This report is an important step to help government agencies and other stakeholders work towards the effective regulatory mechanisms that both protect and enhance migrant workers’ welfare. No consolidated report had previously been published by the Government regarding the status of labour migrants for foreign employment. Although several government institutions maintain a database of citizens who go abroad, the information had never been collated and analysed in a single report. Thus, this report presents information from the agencies that track some aspect of the migration cycle. The data was assessed and delineated in various dimensions. Additionally, the report highlights government-led initiatives at the policy and structural levels that promote safe migration and the rights and welfare of migration workers. The report provides commentary on the numerous challenges confronting the Government and suggestions for moving forward to overcome such challenges. This report is the first in what is anticipated to be a series of yearly migration status reports. This report is divided into five parts. The first part presents the nature and scope of the material, followed by a brief literature review of the past trends and the labour migration context. The second part touches on the country’s socio-economic and political conditions that have highly influenced the patterns of labour migration. The third part of the report describes the various laws, policies and structural mechanisms that govern labour migration for foreign employment.

#Labour #Migration #Employment #ILO #IOM #GON #2014
ILO, IOM, GoN ,   (2014 )
Type / Script:
Annual Report in English
Thematic Group:
 IOM : Internatinal Organization for Migration
12.06.00  -  Special Categories Of Workers
Reference Link:
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Feeder: ASHAPARIYAR , Editor: MALIKA THAPA , Auditor:

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