United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
Decent Work - Issue 2 (November 2014)
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After more than ten years, the employers’ and trade unions’ representatives finally signed a draft for the new Labour Act (Bill) for Nepal on 10 October 2014 – the result of continuous dialogue and countless consultations, bipartite and tripartite, during which the ILO has provided technical assistance. The Labour Market Governance Reform programme in Nepal was initiated back in 2002 at the request of the tripartite constituents of the ILO. Labour flexibility was a key concern raised by employers, while workers sought greater social security. Politically speaking, the country has gone through a sea of changes since then but never did the ILO constituents in Nepal give up. They were determined to achieve the goal of having a well-functioning labour law that brings more investment and economic growth while at the same time fundamental principles and rights for the workers.A new child care facility to be used freeof charge and a first aid clinic in case of Emergencies – this is what Kiran Shoes Manufacturer Ltd., Kathmandu will begin to offer its employees after representatives of management and workers sat down together and brainstormed on how to improve lives for both parties.

ILO ,   (2014 )
Type / Script:
Bulletin or Poster in English
Thematic Group:
 ILO : International Labor & Labor
12.03.00  -  Conditions Of Employment
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