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Information Centre | Nepal
Social Inclusion: Gender and Equity in Education Swaps in South Asia Nepal Case Study
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This study has aimed to understand whether and how a move towards a sector-wide approach (SWAp) in education in Nepal is making a difference to the addressing of educational inequity and exclusion. It further explores how current approaches could be adapted, strengthened or improved in order to enhance overall effectiveness. The main focus of inquiry was the Education
for All (EFA) Programme 2004–09, which is already following a SWAp modality to some extent. However, consideration was also given to the Secondary Education Support Programme (SESP) 2003–09, as it is planned that this large, jointly-funded project for the secondary sub-sector will be merged with EFA into a single SWAp for the schools sector – the School Sector Approach (SSA).
Conceptualization of gender and social inclusion issues within EFA 2004–09 and SESP and the implementation processes to address the issues were explored. The major methods adopted in order to capture the mechanisms as well as perceptions of the stakeholders were primarily document review and semi-structured interviews with key personnel. This report, while examining
the process and contribution of SWAps in addressing issues of inequity, explores dimensions of challenges and disparities that directly and indirectly affect the education of Nepali children. The overall conclusion of the study is that, whilst there have been many efforts and initiatives to address the serious levels of educational inequity that exist in Nepal, these have not been as effective as they might have been, even taking into account the very challenging governance context. A key reason for this is that the move to a SWAp modality has in fact been superficial and partial. Therefore, the potential benefits of such an approach in terms of achieving better equity outcomes through improved policy coherence, clear agreement on priorities, much
needed institutional reform and capacity development, cannot currently be realized. Mainstreaming of gender and equity concerns across the programme remains limited. There is a lack of consistency on the fundamental issue of free primary education and targeting of ECD to the most disadvantaged. Even the activities implemented by government using pooled funds are poorly linked across different components, and seen as competing rather than complementary.
Furthermore, there are numerous further activities in the sub-sector that fall outside of the EFA 2004–09 programme and budget, risking duplication and undermining of capacity. The key recommendations of the study therefore relate to achieving a more robust and comprehensive strategic framework for the whole sub-sector, with clear government leadership and a higher level of donor ‘buy in’ and coordination, in order to strengthen capacity and institutions at all levels to bring about accelerated progress in equity in educational access and outcomes.
GoN, UNICEF ,   (2007 )
Type / Script:
Progress Report in English
Thematic Group:
 UNICEF : Children Fund
14.05.03  -  Social Development
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Feeder: ANJANA SHARMA , Editor: , Auditor:

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