United Nations
Information Centre | Nepal
Press Statement (28 April 2010)
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Maoist army platoon commander Santosh Rai from Main Cantonment 2 in Sindhuli was discovered in possession of a hand grenade while traveling on public transportation on 27 April.UNMIN calls on UCPN-M and all parties to adhere strictly to the peace agreements and refrain from any provocative statements or actions.
UNMIN condemns this reckless risk to life and calls on the UCPN-M to cooperate fully in an investigation and take appropriate disciplinary actions. Holding and carrying arms in violation of the law is legally punishable and a breach of the Agreement on the Monitoring of the Management of Arms and Armies (AMMAA).
UNMIN calls on UCPN-M and all parties to adhere strictly to the peace agreements and
refrain from any provocative statements or actions.

Nepali version: http://un.info.np/Net/NeoDocs/View/623
#335 #623 #pair
UNMIN ,   (2009 )
Type / Script:
Press Release in English
Thematic Group:
 UNMIN : Peace and Conflict through Political Mission
01.01.00  -  Political Conditions, Institutions, Movements
Reference Link:
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