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Information Centre | Nepal
Saving The Lives of Mothers
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Increased availability of maternal health services and access to maternal health facilities in Dang is saving the lives of a significant number of mothers and their newborns, who can now get the help they need in this distant and conflict-affected district in the Mid-Western Region of Nepal.Last year alone, the health-care centers in the district were able to treat 344 life-threatening complications.said Cecilia Lots,UNICEF Regional Director for South Asia who is visiting the region. “This is nearly six times as many cases the centers had been treating when UNICEF’s support to the National Safe Motherhood Programmer began in 2000.UNICEF began work with the District Health Office six years ago to improve maternal health. order to ensure that women did not lose their lives or those of their babies during childbirth, Dang district adopted an integrated maternal-child health approach that spans from the district headquarters where 24 hour maternity services at the hospital have been strengthened, to health posts where delivery services are being strengthened and extends to communities.the community level, the strategy involves forming safe motherhood watch groups who keep watch on all pregnant women and see that they go for regular antenatal check ups, as well as organizing emergency funds that women with complications can use to travel to hospitals in an emergency.UNICEF support,there is now a chain of referral system from the community to the district," says Ms.Lots."There are more trained health personnel, more alert communities, and better equipped health facilities.Committed doctors, nurses and health staff provide 24 hour maternal and newborn health services. All of these will long way in ensuring that less and less mothers and their babies in Dang will lose their lives during childbirth."
UNICEF ,   (2005 )
Type / Script:
Press Release in English
Thematic Group:
 UNICEF : Children Fund
10.02.00  -  Comprehensive Health Services
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